Egg-less Oatmeal Cranberry White Choco-Chip Cookies

Have you ever tried baking cookies at home? Did you know that baking cookies is so quick and easy that you will never want to buy a pack of cookies from the store ever again? Although I consider myself a ‘cake’ person, I find that I enjoy baking cookies since the time required to bake a batch is minimal compared to baking a cake. And in that minimal amount of time, there is this warm, inviting aroma of butter and sugar with hints of vanilla or other spices Continue reading

Healthy Butternut Squash Patties with Rhubarb Chutney

Butternut Squash Patties

Ever since I moved to the USA, one of my favorite vegetables to cook has been the Butternut Squash. I love how it’s taste and texture blends so well with the Indian style of cooking. Cooking with it is so effortless, since the vegetable speaks for itself in terms of taste and color. I have incorporated it in our subzi, dal, and also in one-pot rice meals to great success! Sometimes, Continue reading